It all started last year when we happened to watch The Green Knight starring Dev Patel and based on the 14th Century poem.
The story describes how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious "Green Knight" who dares any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts and beheads him, at which the Green Knight stands, picks up his head, and reminds Gawain of the appointed time.
The 2021 film was awesome, very bizarre but loved it and is a treat for the eyes and a great fantastical tale of an Arthurian legend. With a bit of further reading, I found out the film was filmed in Ireland, but the locations are based in Wales in the original story.
So the plan of a road trip was formed, (it is not the strangest plan I’ve followed through on, I once went to Norwich via John O’Groats and Landsend because a back of a jar of mustard said it had a museum).
Plan of action is to Leave home and then travel to Caerleon which could be the place where King Arthur and Camelot were located but it's not because of A) there are about 4 other places claiming to be the home of the knights of the round table and b) it is made up.

From Caerleon we will follow Gawain's Journey through wales and Snowdonia, passing Anglesea following the North Coast of Wales before finally encountering the headless Saint Winifred and the magical water of Holywell. From here Sir Gawain travelled to the Peak district and before a quick dalliance with the Lady of the Castle near the peaks it was on to his final destination and fate at the green knight chapel which according to scholars is located at Lud Church in the south of the Peak District!
Some art will be released next week as we head along the route.